20 Apr
April 20, 2023
Marzyeh Parvizi


Regular teeth cleaning appointments with a dentist or dental hygienist are important in maintaining a healthy smile. Although previous guidance recommended teeth cleaning every six months, your dentist may advise you to visit more often depending on your personal circumstances.

Some people tend to have greater plaque buildup, despite regular brushing, so it’s best for them to have more frequent professional cleanings.

Having your teeth professionally cleaned on a regular basis not only removes existing build-ups of plaque and tartar, it helps identify oral health issues early and prevents further damage to your smile.

Hard-to-Brush Areas of Your Teeth
Twice-daily teeth brushing accompanied by daily flossing are important for good oral health. However, there are areas between teeth where a toothbrush and floss can have difficulty reaching. Crooked or crowded teeth are another example where it can be difficult to clean all around the teeth.

Areas around the teeth which cannot be reached or are only partially cleaned will be open to a buildup of plaque, which then hardens to tartar. A regular teeth cleaning appointment with your dentist will mean these buildups of plaque and tartar are removed before they can cause problems such as tooth enamel damage and gum irritation.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure
Oral health problems left untreated can become harmful to your teeth and even lead to tooth loss. Regular teeth cleaning appointments ensure your dentist spots issues such as gum disease early when they are easier to treat.

Gum disease and tooth decay do not tend to display symptoms in the early stages, but your dentist will be able to recognize the signs. By preventing common oral health problems from developing further, regular dental appointments can help prevent harmful damage to your teeth and gums.

Oral Cancer Screening
Your dentist can check for other oral health issues during your appointment. One of these is oral cancer. Your dentist can carry out an oral cancer screening, a painless procedure that takes just a few minutes to do. Your dentist can also check to ensure you are not having any issues with any previous dental restoration work.

Consult Your Dentist
Consult with your dentist to see how often they recommend you have a teeth cleaning appointment. If you have not visited your dentist for some time, book an appointment at your earliest convenience. Teeth cleaning appointments not only make your smile look good today, they maintain your smile of the future by preventing oral health problems arising.

Learn more:

Regular teeth cleaning appointments with a dentist or dental hygienist are important in maintaining a healthy smile. Although previous guidance recommended teeth cleaning every six months

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